This is the basic setup of a Django project. Which contains the basic features of a Website.
Job seeker application backend using Django-Ninja
Um sistema web simples para o cadastro de notas fiscais, feito no Django Admin Painel e customizado com Jazzmin + ckeditor
Katta loyihalar uchun .env ishlatgan holatda tayyor shablon Django_Jazzmin & Sqlite3 & Postgres & Static % Media barcha boshlangich sozlamalari bilan birga ++ server uchun ham o'zgarishlar mavjud
Base template to start Django project with clean architecture.
Develop a secure back end architecture using Django ORM
JobsLux website
Этот проект представляет собой простую реализацию API для управления банковскими транзакциями на основе Django REST Framework. Включены интерфейсы для создания, перечисления и извлечения банковских сч...
This repository contains a responsive and visually appealing login page built with React. The login page utilizes the Context API for authentication, React Router for navigation, and Bootstrap for lay...
DBMS Project with django and dbsqlite3. Music Player and Interactive Local Library.
Test job for the position of backend developer
I Developed this Blogging website using Python Django Framework
This project is regarding the basics of DRF API development in which I learnt Model Viewsets, Model Serializer along with permissions for Api Access
I Developed this E-ShopCart Ecommerce website using Python Django Framework
A Simple Employee Management System