Mirror of https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9, please submit issues and PR/MRs in the GitLab. Any issues and PRs opened here will be closed without a comment.
Stork is a dashboard for BIND 9 and Kea DHCP. It is under active development, with monthly releases. The initial priority is to provide monitoring and troubleshooting support.
A Python Toolbox for Multimode Neural Data Representation Analysis - A Representational Analysis Toolbox for Neuroscience, including Neural Pattern Similarity (NPS), Representational Similarity Analy...
That missing frog DNA you've been looking for
智慧安防平台,基于asmoboot项目:https://github.com/RotaNova/asmoboot 具备高效、稳定的流媒体,支持主流摄像头接入。定制AI识别,跨境追踪。边缘计算,AI使能指挥大厅。
Anonymous microblogging platform
Pythonic interface to the Internet Storm Center / DShield API.
An implementation of the axolotl ratchet based on libsodium.
Curso GRÁTIS de ISC Bind9 DNS Server e ISC DHCP Server no GNU/Linux Ubuntu Server 22.04.x LTS
Curso GRÁTIS de ISC Bind9 DNS Server e ISC DHCP Server no GNU/Linux Ubuntu Server 22.04.x LTS
Simple extendable message board
Inter-Subject Correlations (ISC) technique for analyzing neural data (EEG and MEG)