Implementation of Python 3.x for .NET Framework that is built on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime.
An asynchronous, collaborative post-exploitation agent powered by Python and .NET's DLR
翻译 - 由Python和.NET的DLR支持的异步协作开发后代理
Rapid Application Development (RAD) Environment for Autodesk Revit®
Toolbox containing research notes & PoC code for weaponizing .NET's DLR
This Python library makes it easy to display images and videos in a notebook.
C--compiler which implements LL(1)\LR(0)\SLR\LR(1) and semantic analysis and MIPS generate
翻译 - C--实现LL(1)\ LR(0)\ SLR \ LR(1)的编译器,并进行语义分析和MIPS生成
Autocomplete stubs for common IronPython/.NET libraries
A collection of 450+ custom nodes for the Dynamo visual programming environment
A two-way connector to use regular Python from IronPython in Rhino/Grasshopper, and vice-versa.
Python editor based on IronPython for Unity3D
An IronPython console for Autocad and Civil 3d API, include full snoop Database to explore API
Collection of IronPython scripts and executables for penetration testing
Collection of IronPython scripts and executables for penetration testing
Rhino/Grasshopper/VSCode plug-in to run C# and Python (IronPython or CPython) scripts directly from VSCode.