灵活的按键处理库(Flexible Button)| 按键驱动 | 支持单击、双击、连击、长按、自动消抖 | 灵活适配中断和低功耗 | 按需实现组合按键
🍭 IoT Board 潘多拉开发板上功能强大的 MicroPython 固件
"IoT Made Easy!" - This example application enable a Transparent UART Bridge over Wi-Fi based on TCP/IP Client/Server
"IoT Made Easy!" - This PIC32MZW1 example application acts as a TCP Client to connect to Secured TCP Server with ECC608 TNG crytpo coprocessor and exchange data
IoT Development board to control smart home and car systems via Bluetooth, wifi, and GSM with embedded CAN transceiver.
Intel Edison IoT board - Intel Atom processor with wifi and bluetooth