Wires, transformers, high voltage! Bzzzzt!
翻译 - 电线,变压器,高压!呸!
An addon for Immersive Engineering focused on Electronics, Warfare, Logistics and Intelligence
Use your hands and wisdom to ignite the last hope of mankind in the wind and snow ❄️ - Minecraft 1.16.5/1.20.1 Modpack
An addon to Immersive Engineering that enhances the world with new minerals, advanced resource processing and multiblocks
Introduce more various process and energy production machines 🏭 to Immersive Engineering.
First Iteration of my attempt to create a Minecraft Modpack with MineTweaker/CraftTweaker Mod. It provides a tweaked and harder early progression with Immersive Engineering and Botania, which moves on...
Framework for VR Immersion Development with the goal of facilitating easy development of DIY VR Peripherals and easy implementation of advanced immersion features for 3D developers
Allow Thermal Cultivation crops to grow inside the Immersive Engineering's Garden Cloche
AR Application That spawn a AR Version of an Individual.
Immersive Engineering & Mystical Agriculture crafts integration datapack
Minecraft 1.12.2 Modpack featuring Thaumcraft, Immersive Engineering, and light tweaking