🌍 All in one i18n extension for VS Code
Self-hosted Localization Management Platform built with Go and Angular
翻译 - 使用Go和Angular构建的自托管本地化管理平台
Awesome React Redux Workflow Boilerplate with Webpack 4
List of locales for i18n
🏧 Parse a decimal number with i18n format support (localized decimal points and comma separators)
💬 VS Code extension to work with Fluent, the correct-by-design l10n programming language
Flutter boiler plate app with BLoC architecture, authentication, navigation, Lottie animation and internationalisation
Ansible role to set up locales in Debian-like systems
Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library for Vue.js v2.
Internationalization and localization for JavaScript and Node.js
Plugin for i18next that paires well with Phrase In-Context Editor
Localization (i10n) or Internationalization (i18n) of Reveal.js presentations. Easy start for translation.
Automatic i18n phrase translation using Google Translate
i18n wrapper and Koa middleware for Lad
Common plugin for Mongoose with standard schema fields and localization support
Middleware for multi language support in Slim 3 PHP framework
React Native Pseudo Localization is small package that enables pseudolocalization