SneakerAPI 是一个提供 Goat API、alias API 和 StockX API 远程 HTTP 访问的商用项目,它支持这三个平台的所有接口。SneakerAPI is a commercial project that provides remote HTTP access to Goat API, alias API, and StockX API, supporting al...
Build HTTP API Based Services using Amazon API Gateway, AWS PrivateLink, AWS Fargate and AWS CDK
WebBroker integration to Synopse mORMot framework using fast HTTP API (http.sys)
Fast-api production ready boilerplate
Solid.Http is a library to simplify http calls in C# for .net standard 2.0. It's designed to be async and fully extendable.
An App Developed with Flutter cross-platform. This application used to do two tasks: The first task: Calculate BMI(body mass index). The second task: is to search for Recipes Depending on what ingredi...
[unmaintained] A http router for building http apis in Go based on httprouter and alice.
An example software using PHP, mysql and C# to send http request to API and fetch the results
Serverless Application with AWS Lambda and Node.js. AWS CodePipeline for CI/CD
Easy way to integrate Amazon's HttpApi with S3. It allows to circumvent the limitations (missing S3 integration on ApiGw2) by having Lambda in between. This way you can keep your buckets private.
Key and Value simple http API and command line interface
This is simple go-application for looking imap/pop3/smtp config from ISP DB by Mozilla (Thunderbird autoconfig) with local caching configs and web api.
Frontend to be used with touch-admin
Backend to be used in the Touch Sistemas project