Build 100+ Projects In 100 Days Using HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT
A Like Button beautifully designed in CSS and written in HTML
Creating full login, signup, & forgot password page using only HTML & CSS.
Welcome to the HTML & CSS Mini Projects Website! 🎨✨ This website showcases various mini projects I created to enhance my front-end development skills. Each project is displayed with an image preview,...
A Simple D.N.A. (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) Rotation.
#编辑器#This is the classic Visual Studio Logo created with HTML and CSS codes only.
A CSS Animation. (A Moving Ball & The Rotating Square).
A Simple Navigation Bar.
A Simple and Classic NETFLIX Logo.
#搜索#Google's Classic Home Page. (Applicable only on Tailwind CSS Play Ground, the Play Ground Link is given below).
Mini Projects from John Smilga's HTML&CSS Tutorial and Projects Course on Udemy
A Simple Side Navigation Bar.
This project showcases a replica of the charging animation used in Xiaomi (MI) smartphones. Created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this animation mimics the sleek and dynamic charging interface foun...
agency land page made for practice using only HTML and CSS .
A Simple Outer Body Of A Calculator.
I turned the client classic CV into a colorful and beautiful website
#安卓#A Simple Smart Phone. (Applicable only on Tailwind CSS Play Ground, the Play Ground Link is given below).
A fully responsive Quick Reel landing page, using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
The project will be different from others. However, It is simple but some accesskeys that will be more efficient for user experience.
A Simple Glowing Button.