🍈 RecyclerView侧滑菜单,Item拖拽,滑动删除Item,自动加载更多,HeaderView,FooterView,Item分组黏贴。
#IOS#A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
🔥 RecyclerView 下拉刷新、上拉松手/自动加载更多、item点击/长按、item局部刷新、头布局/尾布局/状态布局、万能分割线、Skeleton骨架图、极简adapter、嵌套滑动置顶
解决webView滑动冲突,支持与WebView,VideoView(miniVideo), HeaderView 嵌套使用
#安卓#Create an header for com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView
#IOS#Horizontal UICollectionViewLayout with Sticky HeaderView
#IOS#A container view that responds to scrolling of UIScrollView
#安卓#Let RecyclerView support add header and footer views
#安卓#A Custom Header View With Multiple Items to make selection from categories
Example project for article in medium writing in Swift 5
TableView head stretch and amplification effect compatible with swift and objc.
👾 A small project covering some bone concepts of UIKit.
Small app with dymanic height sticky header
This repository contains a sample of how to customize the header in .NET MAUI Calendar (SfCalendar)?