A Harry Potter database for all your wizarding needs: Books, Characters, Movies, Spells, and Potions. Powered by https://github.com/danielschuster-muc/scrabby
A REST Harry Potter API with images and information about books, characters and spells. Translated to many languages.
Una API Rest sobre Harry Potter en español que retorna información sobre sus personajes, hechizos, libros e información en sí
A Harry Potter rest API that brings information about spells, characters, books and information itself.
It includes Angular tutorial projects. The projects in this repository include state management applications using the NgRx library.
Representational State Transfer + Structured Query Language(RSQL): Demo application using RSQL parser to filter records based on provided condition(s)
Harry Potter Characters website is made using simple HTML, CSS & JavaScript. It fetch's all the data from a Harry Potter API (https://hp-api.herokuapp.com). You can find all the Harry Potter Character...
Un portafolio institucional de Hogwarts con datos solicitados a una API acerca de sus personajes (estudiantes y profesores).
Simple Mobile App build using React Native, for practice!
Harry Potter Api o-o⚡ - React Js
I made a quiz api about Harry Potter! Feel free to use it!
App web que lista os personagens de Harry Potter
#前端开发#A frontend for a Harry Potter API done with React
The Hogwarts API is a magical API containing data from the wizarding world of Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy and the Fantastic Beasts universe.
A rest API for Harry Potter quotes
Escolha sua casa e descubra informações sobre os seus personagens favoritos, feitiços e poções nessa Wiki de Harry Potter. Projeto realizado na matéria de PWFE no curso de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas ...
A Harry potter database app which makes use of public API and made using React and Blueprint UI
JavaScript app that calls the Harry Potter API and filters the results using a search bar.
Trabajo Practico de HTML+CSS+JavaScript de Diego Ponzo, para la Diplomatura en Programación Web Full Stack UTN - 2024
Harry Potter Wizard