#安卓#💭BubbleLayout随意变化的气泡布局、消息对话框,可定制颜色,背景、弧度、尖角弧度、边框等等。BubbleDialog气泡弹窗根据点击View的位置定位它的弹窗位置,BubbleDialog可定制方向等!(BubbleLayout changes freely,BubbleDialog click on the location of View positi...
🌈 Cute pet zoo. Come and adopt a cute you like. 萌萌乐园,全自动领养自己喜欢的萌物。
Happy 🥳 | Rocketseat 💜 - NLW 03 👩🚀
HacktoberWall is a simple web app where contributors can add their name to a virtual wall by submitting a JSON file. The goal is to offer an easy way for people to participate in Hacktoberfest. Contri...
🌼 Keep a happy jar from your terminal
Plataforma online para encontrar orfanatos e facilitar visitas. @Rocketseat
翻译 - 查找孤儿院并方便参观的在线平台。 @Rocketseat
Accelerate your development with Happy SDK written in Go. Rapidly prototype and bring your ideas to life with its comprehensive resources and modular design, even with limited technical knowledge. Sea...
Create Vue app with zero-config development setup.
Leve felicidade para o mundo, visite orfanatos e mude o dia de muitas crianças. NLW#3
a Wim Hof aka. Tumo breathing technique App
Project built during Rocketseat's Next Level Week #3
🧒 👧 Plataforma de cadastro e consulta de orfanatos em uma região. Feito durante a Next Level Week #3 da @Rocketseat, durante os dias 12 e 16 de outubro.
Project built during the next-level-week#3