File Based CMS and Static Site Generator
翻译 - 在Sinatra中实现的轻量级CMS。
A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust.
HTML-based Indented Markup Language for Ruby
翻译 - 基于HTML的Ruby缩进标记语言
Complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to write well-factored view code.
翻译 - 完整的独立视图渲染系统,可为您提供编写良好的视图代码所需的一切。
A Haml template engine for Go
This is my (old) personal website. I built it in Ruby on Rails with Haml and other tools. Includes: portfolio section, resume, speaking, and blog with the most recent blog post on the home page. It's ...
A flexible, Ruby-powered static site generator.
#UI框架#🍴 Emma.css { utility-classes: emmet-like; }
Styleguide Generator based on partial templates ( html / ejs / haml )
A Middleman 4 template using Gulp.js via the external pipeline
Middleman front-end starter kit
Middleman Basis Template – Supporting Haml, Sass, CoffeeScript, Bower, ImageOptim, Sitemap
An app I created so developers can track the info they need: now includes Twitter API feeds and Machine Learning, Python, and Ruby on Rails sections. Update: no longer being served, leaving public for...