Contribute on this repository with valid pull request to Hacktoberfest 2022 and earn amazing swags!
Transform your Android device into a cybersecurity playground with Kali Magic! 🚀
A repo for beginner contributors in hacktober 2022 , you can create a file and upload a new program and pull. Make sure the program is error free. Multiple languages allowed . Happy coding.
A repository that will guide in making your first contribution.
This repository is created to help beginners make their first pull request (PR) for Hacktoberfest2024.
Contribute on this repository with valid pull request to Hacktoberfest 2022 and earn amazing swags!
This repository is designed to welcome beginners to open-source by allowing them to contributing towads, beginner-level projects across various tech stacks . Join us in celebrating Hacktoberfest 2024 ...
This repo is for Hacktober Fest 2024 Contribution
Take control of your Android system with Arch Adventures, bringing the flexibility and customization of Arch Linux to your mobile device! 🚀
Steps to enroll in Hacktoberfest 2022: 1. Register on as a participation 2. Fill in all details and synch with the GitHub account 3. Fork the repository:
accepted in hacktoberfest 2023
The community to do open source contribution and learn the web development using level 2 tasks . #webdev #open-source
It is a repository made to put scripts of bash to make life easier.
Questions Based on Competitive Programming (Easy, Medium & Hard)
#安卓#Discover the simplicity and efficiency of Void Linux on your Android device with VoidMagic! 🚀
AlpineAgility ⛰️🏞️Experience the lightweight design of Alpine Linux on your Android device with AlpineAgility! 🚀
An online Tech quiz Website all are welcome to explore and contribute into this repo makes it more dynamic .Your expertise can enhance our knowledge base! Contribute and join us in celebrating Hacktob...
This repo is related with programming and data structure using C language.