A progressive theme development rig for WordPress.
翻译 - WordPress的渐进式主题开发装备。
Submit Just 4 PRs to earn SWAGS and Tshirts🔥
🌱 Contribute your favorite 📚 Data Structure implementation, 🕸 Algorithms, and 🎲 Projects. 😊 | Very Active Repository, Star and Share with your friends |
翻译 - 🌱 贡献你最喜欢的 📚 数据结构实现、🕸 算法和 🎲 项目。 😊 |非常活跃的存储库,星标并与您的朋友分享 |
Raise Genuine PRs only. Your PRs will be accepted, keep patience. Star This Repo. You aren't allowed to Update README.md
翻译 - 提升正版PR,您的PR将被接受,为此回购星标,不允许您更新README.md
A must-have tool to develop responsive websites 📲
翻译 - 开发响应式网站的必备工具!
NOTE -: For Hacktoberfest2022 please refer this repository https://github.com/SR-Sunny-Raj/Hacktoberfest2022-for-everyone to make your contribution. If You...
翻译 - 如果您知道任何 DSA 问题解决方案,您可以在这里贡献它。只提高真正的 PR。您的 PR 将被接受,请保持耐心。为这个 Repo 加星标。您无权更新 README.md。欢迎开发人员、内容作者和编程爱好者。
#博客#An interactive board with plugins focusing on replacing the need of multiple platforms for teaching, presenting, managing or explaining your ideas.
#前端开发#A collection of resources categorised by tech domains, languages, expertise and much more. QuickLearn gives you a quick access to all the resources that you could need at a single place, within a clic...
翻译 - 按技术领域、语言、专业知识等分类的资源集合。 QuickLearn 让您只需单击一下即可在一个地方快速访问您可能需要的所有资源!
This Repo is created by Abhishek for the beginners to promote open source programming (hacktoberfest), you just need to add any type of code in any programing lang you want, just commit your name at t...
Make your first PR! ~ A beginner friendly repository made specifically for open source beginners. Add your profile, a blog or any program under any language (it can be anything from a hello-world prog...
翻译 - 成为您的第一个公关! 〜专为开源初学者制作的适合初学者的存储库。以任何语言添加您的个人资料,博客或任何程序(可以是从hello-world程序到复杂的数据结构算法的任何内容),也可以更新现有的配置文件。只要确保将文件添加到正确的目录下即可。骇客入侵!
📱 CyBear Jinni App is the app to control CyBear Jinni Hub 💡 remotely from your Android, IOS and Web Browser. If you have ever wondered "Is there an open-source project to make my own smart home?", T...
Hello, Welcome to this repo. don't forget to read guidelines in readme.md
翻译 - 你好,欢迎来到这个 repo。不要忘记阅读 readme.md 中的指南
Commited is the first repo to have over 3,000,000 commits, in all of GitHub!
#编辑器#Object GUI - Javascript Object GUI Editor
Impactful ways to help families in need through donated meals, hygiene kits, and more. By Margarita Humanitarian Foundation.
You can submit any PR and have SWAGS. Happy Hacktoberfest !
翻译 - 您可以提交任何 PR 并拥有 SWAG。哈克托啤酒节快乐!
Hello i want to share free portofolio website source code. use for learn. Give me your stars. Don't forget to follow my github profile. Thank you >_<