Application for Mind Mapping, Knowledge Management, Project Management. Develop, organize and communicate your ideas and knowledge in the most effective way.
Allows Jenkins admins to control what in-process scripts can be run by users
Extension for Jenkins Configuration-as-Code plugin that allows running Groovy scripts
My personal Jenkins Shared Library
jenkins config as code, poc
Java GIS Viewer and Layer Datastore Manager
Run and schedule GroovyScripts from an easy-to-use Java web application.
Sample groovy scripts which can be used in SoapUI projects.
This project is designed for Hippo developers to have an easy way to create updaters in groovy, without being bothered with the bootstrap yaml.
Spring Cloud Microservices application with Gradle, deployment with docker compose && kubernetes
Code and notes for the 2017 GR8Conf US Groovy Training workshop
This project is a collection of Groovy scripts designed for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
Optimizing Jenkins for Scalability and Resilience offers insights and practical tips for boosting Jenkins' performance, reliability, and efficiency. Learn best practices for configuration, resource ma...
原项目转世,目的是解放双手,使用jetpack compose for desktop, 比旧版界面更好看
Filters for processing Web ARChive (WARC) files as part of the WofG Web Reporting Service
The app for Atlassian Jira Server. Run Groovy scripts, automate routine tasks, change issues in bulk, get access to Jira API without add-ons creation