#区块链#Minimal implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol.
翻译 - Mimblewimble协议的最小实现。
#区块链#A wallet that makes it easy to send, store, and swap Grin.
Niffler is a grin gui wallet. support mac/linux/win
JHC Haskell compiler split into reusable components
Relay service for interactive transaction building for Grin / Mimblewimble
Alternative full Grin node on Golang (implementation of the MimbleWimble protocol) https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin
Open-sourcing pool for grin. Easy to depoly and keep KISS in design. Avaliable to epic (epicash, a grin forkcoin) too.
A CocoaPods wrapper for official Grin wallet and integrated in Vite iOS App
a dockerfile to build amd verus coin, bfgminer, ccminer, cgminer, dagger gpu miner, ethminer, progminer, fancyix, grin, nodecore-pow-cuda-miner, nodecore-pow-AMD-cuda-miner, nheqminer amd and nvidia, ...
Experimental Grin wallet that leverages keybase chat.