PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the reference implementation in JavaScript
翻译 - GraphQL参考实现的PHP端口
This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL API server in your Symfony App.
Pure PHP realization of GraphQL protocol
翻译 - GraphQL协议的纯PHP实现
⚡️ A PHP GraphQL Framework
Automatic GraphQL types from Doctrine entities
facebook graphql server side for yii2 php framework
A PSR-15 middleware to support file uploads in GraphQL
⚡🌐⚡ Easy-to-use & Fast GraphQL server implementation for modern PHP. Includes features from latest draft, middleware directives and modules with extra functionality.
🌍 A PHP implementation of the Apollo Federation specification
Utility for creating GraphQL microservices, which can be combined into a single endpoint through tools like Apollo Gateway
Set of utilities to power up your development with webonyx/graphql
Doctrine GraphQL generates types, queries and mutators for Doctrine entities to be used as a GraphQL API.
Easy build GraphQL mutation or query in PHP
Sandbox DataLoader And GraphQL PHP
⚡🌐⚡ Graphpinator adapters and addons for Nette framework.
⚡🌐⚡ Parser subproject for GraPHPinator: GraphQL server implementation for PHP.
⚡🌐⚡ Some useful and commonly used types, both scalar or composite.