Automatically generate Go (golang) struct definitions from example JSON
翻译 - 根据示例JSON自动生成Go(golang)结构定义
Quickly generate CURD and documentation for operating MYSQL.etc
Codegen for functional options in go projects
i18n (Internationalization and localization) engine written in Go, used for translating locale strings.
RPC layer on top of NATS standardizing on Protocol Buffers.
Generate Echo backend code
A tool to be used with 'go generate' to embed external template files into Go code.
embd-go is an embeddable command-line tool for embedding data files in Go source code, specially crafted for easy use with `go generate`.
sts: struct to struct transformers generator.
File-system based route generator for Go. Compatible with any web frameworks.
Helper functions for the manipulation of slices of all types in Go
Slice convenience functions for native types, and a generator for your types