A web-based monitor dashboard for GitLab CI
翻译 - 用于GitLab CI的基于Web的监视器仪表板
Deezer Spleeter Library (C++)
Arduino development environment in a container
Control your GitlabCI workflow from your terminal
Examples of gitlab-ci jobs, pytest slack integration, pylint-check jobs, gitlab-artifacts, parametrization-tests, multithread execution for methods, sitemap checking links status. Mirrored from gitlab...
Docker environment (based on official loadimpact/k6 docker hub repository) required to run K6 load testing tool.
Integra Vendas
Tools for generating Git ChangeLogs, including generating and pushing Release workflows in GitLab CI/CD and GitHub Action's Push Release workflows
CLI Tool for GitLab CI and Kubernetes Deployments.
Solar System to Learn GitLab CICD Pipeline
Континуирана интеграција и испорака 2022/2023
Континуирана интеграција и испорака | CI/CD pipeline