#编辑器#🔍 A simple, fast fuzzy finder for the terminal
翻译 - :mag:一个更好的模糊查找器
#编辑器#An efficient fuzzy finder that helps to locate files, buffers, mrus, gtags, etc. on the fly for both vim and neovim.
Go library that provides fuzzy string matching optimized for filenames and code symbols in the style of Sublime Text, VSCode, IntelliJ IDEA et al.
翻译 - Go库,提供Sublime Text,VSCode,IntelliJ IDEA等样式的,针对文件名和代码符号进行优化的模糊字符串匹配。
A javascript port of fzy's scoring algorithm. As seen on GitHub.com!
Freaky fast fuzzy finder for (denite.nvim/CtrlP matcher) for vim/neovim
#编辑器#💻Efficient navigation between browser and IDE while working on GitHub.
Yoyo-leaf is an awesome command-line fuzzy finder.
Use scout fuzzy finder inside neovim
A command palette that works from bash 3.2 using only builtins and `tput`
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