#前端开发# Kottans frontend course 🎓
翻译 - :octocat:Kottans前端课程🎓
آموزش طراحی وبسایت (فرانتاند) | HTML, CSS, JavaScript
#前端开发#🎓 Diploma FrontEnd Basic. IT School "Hillel"
Teaching materials / code-examples for my frontend and full-stack participants. CSS animation intro & homework
my progress 🚴 during taking a self-study part of 📚 the frontend 🎓 course from the Kottans
#前端开发#Репозиторий для изучения HTML, CSS и выполнения домашних заданий. Курсовой проект по верстке в ветке homework
#前端开发#A simple to-do list with vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS done as part of a homework JS course