FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF.
翻译 - FPDI是PHP类的集合,可帮助开发人员阅读现有PDF文档中的页面并将其用作FPDF中的模板。
Create PDFs with Laravel, provides FPDF version 1.86
PDF form filling using FPDM Class written by FPDF author Olivier (+multifile-filling-fix, +checkboxes)
fpdf-easyTable is a PHP class that makes it easy to build tables for PDF documents generated with the FPDF library
A clone of FPDF with an almost compatible interface while using SetaPDF-Core internally for the PDF generation.
FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.
Course Registration System (With Result Processing). If someone need this type of application, don't hesitated to contact with me. My Email: arif.rahman2009@gmail.com [N.B This demo site may not reach...
Inverts colors of provided PDF file by saving pages as images and combining inverted version of images as one PDF
Write PubMed search results with two display options (citation or listview) to PDF or Word
Sales and Inventory Management System
Web scraping of web comic sites listed by Al Sweigart
Data Structure & Algorithm project. Airline Management System (A private jet hiring concept) – php, scss, Microsoft SQL.
You can easily and fastly build your own college fest event site.