Fig 是一个终端命令行自动提示补全工具
Fig's integrations with bash, zsh, fish, ssh, and tmux. Also contains Fig's installation and update scripts. Finally, this repo is the root of the .fig folder that is installed on your computer when y...
Guidelines & best practices for developing Frames:
A tool for the comparison and identification of candidate genes based on Venn diagrams
Command line tools for working with Fig autocomplete specs
Automated development tasks asked nicely
Action to automatically open a new PR to the repo
🔧 My DEV env setup
Bash automation script to get iTerm2, oh-my-zsh, Fig, material-design-colors, powerlevel9k and nerd-fonts on your Mac.
This is an add-on application for fig. It allows for basic project management on the command line.
Standard library plotting.
This is an application for fig to create and edit the environment and aliases for the fish shell.
Incredibly fast startup command line apps with JavaScript and TypeScript
This is a template for using Svelte to make applications for the fig terminal companion.
These are the Runbooks I've created for the fig program. Fig is a terminal assistant that is really nice!