📘 Erlang Spawned Shelter. Erlang and Elixir training with the best articles, videos, books and talks🎓
翻译 - :blue_book:Erlang生成的庇护所。用最好的文章,视频,书籍和演讲对Erlang和Elixir进行培训🎓
#学习与技能提升#Let's find the fastest beamer!
Материалы ко внутреннему митапу в FunBox, посвященному проблемам в коде новичков в Erlang/Elixir
[Erlang] University project - visual side of Erlang
My sollutions for various Erlang and Elixir tasks including whole pollution module - classic, server and gen_server with supervisor, reverse polish notation calculator and some others
Erlang/OTP Volume I: A Concurrent World (Resources)
An example of Elixir built in a rebar project.
Java based EPMD implementation
Process Monitor is a phoenix/elixir application to show all process running at Erlang Node