Elasticsearch PHP integration for your Symfony project using Elastica.
翻译 - 使用Elastica为您的Symfony项目集成Elasticsearch PHP。
Pagination library for PHP applications with support for several data providers
🔍 JoliCode's Elastica wrapper to bootstrap Elasticsearch PHP integrations
翻译 - oli JoliCode的Elastica包装器来引导Elasticsearch PHP集成
Python implementation of Elastica, an open-source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory.
The bundle extends functionality of FOSElasticaBundle. Improves performance of fos:elastica:populate command
Elasticsearch PHP integration for your Symfony project using Elastica
MagnetoPyElastica, an extension of PyElastica, is an open-source project for simulating magnetic Cosserat rods interacting with external magnetic environments.
Lib for creating elasticsearch indexes with php.
🔍 Tiny Elastica integration into Nette Framework (@nette)
Code that simulates a nest (random rod packing) for the paper "Micromechanical origin of plasticity and hysteresis in nest-like packings"
This repository contains the scripts developed to obtain (i) the analytical solution for the deployment and surface accuracy of transversally creased membranes with one or multiple folds, (ii) the cor...
This project is a small effort in educating people about using PHP Elastica library. The original library can be found at ruflin/Elastica
A simple bridge between Laravel and Elasticsearch using Elastica, based on https://github.com/valantic/pimcore-elastica-bridge
[READ-ONLY] Lightweight Ruflin/Elastica integration extension for Nette Framework.
Standard structure for PHP based Elasticsearch integration
Simple proxy server implemented in go for connecting Elasticache
Demo example to search via skills and geo-location