.NET wrapper around the cryptographic library Monocypher https://monocypher.org/
翻译 - 围绕加密库Monocypher https://monocypher.org/的.NET包装器
Polyglot signing library for multisig applications using the Noise protocol for end-to-end encryption
Nginx JWT authentication module with Ed25519 algorithm support
A synthetic Kotlin implementation of Curve25519. A fast Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman with Edwards curve Digital Signature Algorithm VRF support backed by Java code ported from C.
Zero-knowledge asymmetric encryption PWA (static and works offline) using AES-256 (GCM) cipher and Ed25519
Public key generator using Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)
A toy service made using Warp and OpenSSL: it will take a CSR and return a certificate signed by the Certificate Authority (CA) credentials you provide.
A simple .NET library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWT) using Ed25519 public/private key pairs for signing and verification, targeting netstrandard2.1
A EdDSA extension to fusionauth-jwt