Sell digital downloads through WordPress
翻译 - 通过WordPress出售数字下载
Code Snippets for WordPress and WooCommerce speed up, which can be imported into the plugin.
Plugins and code snippets for Easy Digital Downloads.
A script to migrate products, orders, payments and other stuff from WooCommerce to EasyDigitalDownloads
Composer plugin for installing pro plugins powered by EDD software licensing
Business type of theme with pixel perfect design
Provide free downloads through the Easy Digital Downloads plugin when using Software Licensing extension.
Integrated AppSumo discount codes with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD).
This repository contains event sourcing in .NET 7. It has been implemented by EventStoreDB and CQRS pattern.
Euonia is a development framework and toolkit library for developers to build .NET application/service. It aims to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly solution to empowers developers to build ef...
Extension for Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing adding support for cryptographic digital signatures for packages.
Plugin Payment Gateway TriPay Untuk Easy Digital Download
A PHP SDK & Wrapper for the Easy Digital Downloads Rest API.
WordPress Plugin for Easy Digital Downloads that notifies the store owner via email when a customer attempts to make a purchase with an expired discount code.
Eddly is a python-module for parsing electronic device description (edd) files for HART according to IEC 61804
A Distributed Event Driven Service Mesh
#大语言模型#Solve problems with ChatGPT (and any other future AI assistant)
Integrate SecurionPay payment gateway to your Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) store.