✨ Open-source DORA metrics platform for engineering teams ✨
A project to extract and process high performing DevOps metrics (DORA) from GitHub and Azure DevOps
Automate the measurement of organizational behavior
Engineering Effectiveness Handbook
Dorametrix is a serverless web service that helps you calculate your DORA metrics, by inferring your metrics from events you create with webhooks (or manually!).
Backstage plugin to surface an organizations DORA metrics
Instant, badge-ready DORA metrics for your GitHub repository.
Ability to generate automated metrics for your every releases.
[pl_PL] 10 najlepszych praktyk dla infra-as-a-code, celem jest zaangażowanie najszerszej grupy inżynierów;
Conveniently call Dorametrix to create a deployment event through a GitHub Action.
A web application built using React that provides a dashboard to show the dora metrics based on deployments and pull requests from Bitbucket.
Demonstrates using the Dorametrix action in a Github Actions build.
Calculates and exposes DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics.
✨ Self-hosted, open-source, DORA metrics tool ✨
Conveniently call Dorametrix to create a deployment event through a Bitbucket Pipe.
Demonstrates using the Dorametrix pipe in a Bitbucket Pipelines build.