Learn how to deploy a docker-based Django application into a Kubernetes cluster into production on DigitalOcean.
The Kubernetes Operator for DigitalOcean
Example repo showing how to publish your Doks site to GitHub Pages by using GitHub Actions
Terraform module for Digital Ocean Kubernetes (DOKS)
crunchy.social, powered by Kubernetes, Flux and DigitalOcean.
A repository of tutorials on installing age-old operating systems and software in different Virtualization and emulation software.
High Availability Harbor on DOKS (Kubernetes on DigitalOcean) via Terraform [WIP]
Guide which tell - how to create private environment in DigitalOcean kubernetes cluster / Гайд, который описывает - как создать приватное окружение в kubernetes кластере на DigitalOcean
In this guide we will deploy a DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes cluster, create two Node Pools, one for our standard applications and one dedicated to our Rook / Ceph storage nodes. We'll then deploy a...
Kubernetes on Digital Ocean
DigitalOcean | Kubernetes (DOKS) and Netmaker
A Bring your own Load Balancer (BYOLB) toolkit for EKS, AKS, OKE, GKE, LKE, DOKS, VKE and other managed Kubernetes offerings
Documentation, tooling and other resources related to the Jenkins Infrastructure Project parts hosted in Digital Ocean.
A bunch of different cloud provider's managed Kubernetes offerings as examples, using Terraform to create a cluster within it's own network, with best practises as much as possible.
Welcome to the ubunchuu-truong-us blog, built with Hugo and Doks.
Collect and Forward DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) Logs to DigitalOcean Managed OpenSearch.