Mapbox JavaScript API, a Leaflet Plugin
翻译 - Mapbox JavaScript API,一个Leaflet插件
#Awesome#📃 A curated and up-to-date list of resources on software documentation templates, tools, guides, examples, etc.
Build a Markdown-based docs site using DocsifyJS and GH Pages 👩🏫 🏗 📒 🕸
An 11ty + Tailwind CSS theme for your documentation site
Starter template for a Markdown-based docs site 📒 🕸
Starter template for a MkDocs docs site on GH Pages - including CI
The docs website for Casdoor:
A Bridgetown + Tailwind CSS theme for your documentation site
Raaghu Documentation, is a documentation website built using React 18, Raaghu Design System and Docusaurus, for Raaghu Frontend Suite and ABP Commercial.
Starter template for a Jekyll 4 site - deployed with GH Actions and GH Pages 🧪 🎬 🚀
#大语言模型#MiloDocs Hugo Theme for Docs Eng & Tech Writers
React UI components
Programming team documentation project including Java, WPILIBj, git, GitHub, GitHub Desktop and GitHub org administration.
Zshmgr is a simple package manager for Zsh. It allows users to easily install, uninstall, update, and list packages. The tool is designed to work seamlessly with GitHub repositories, making it easy to...