A tool for converting dictionary files aka glossaries. Mainly to help use our offline glossaries in any Open Source dictionary we like on any modern operating system / device.
Dictionary conversion tool for Mac OS X 10.5 and above
翻译 - 适用于Mac OS X 10.5及更高版本的词典转换工具
Converting EPWING dictionaries into something you can actually use (mobi)
Build Yomitan dictionaries with ease
Convert unpacked MOBI dictionaries to StarDict format.
Tools for creating DSL-format dictionaries
Core Data framework for translating between Chinese and English with local CC-CEDICT Core Data store
Create a Kindle dictionary from dict.cc data (specifically Norwegian/Bokmål 🇳🇴 -> German 🇩🇪).
Conversion scripts/xslt for wadoku.de’s xml data into Mac OS dictionary format
Data extractor and converter for the CC-CEDICT Chinese/English Dictionary.
Add inflection information to any dictionary format supported by PyGlossary.
Conversion scripts/xslt for wadoku.de’s xml data into edict(2) format
Convert KoralSoft's EuroDict XP dictionaries to TSV format.
script for converting http://kdictionaries.com/dtd/blds21.dtd to lttoolbox dix
Fono Sözlük CD-ROM verilerini StarDict girdi formatlarına çeviren bir Powershell betiği
Web dictionary Norwegian/Bokmål 🇳🇴 > German 🇩🇪. A project for the course "Computational Lexicography on the Web" at the University of Tübingen.
#安卓#An Open source dictionary mobile app created with expo and using the Free Dictionary API.