Collection of RSpec/MiniTest matchers and Cucumber steps for testing email in a ruby app using ActionMailer or Pony
翻译 - RSpec / MiniTest匹配器和Cucumber步骤的集合,用于使用ActionMailer或Pony在ruby应用程序中测试电子邮件
Cucumber steps (step definitions) written with TestCafe for end-to-end (e2e) tests
Cucumber steps (step definitions) written with Protractor for e2e tests
🥒 Quick start for testing with Cucumber.js
Easy Cucumber JVM DSL tests.
e2ejs is a testing tool based on Cucumber and Protactor with many predefined steps.
Cucumber step library for API testing and support functions
My first bdd (cucumber+selenium) test suite in Java for Node.js blog/post app ( I developed.
Write Cucumber step definitions with Gherkin syntax
Develop Selenium Cucumber TestNG Framework
A lightweight library for using dependency injection in cucumber steps for Micronaut based project.
The desktop tool which using Node-Webkit able to generate UI test cucumber feature file and run test
#安全#BDD Based Test Automation Framework
This gem is a collection of pre-built sentences compatible with cucumber and page-object
An example to demo how Scala, Gradle and Cucumber can be blended.
In this project, the work was done using the cucumber frame on the trendyol website. In this study, Behavior Driven Development (BDD) approach was used, which allows the behavior of a system to be wri...