LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University
翻译 - 清华大学LaTeX论文模板
Simple, typographic beamer theme
TeX code associated to the EuropeCV CTAN repository,
如何有理有据地向自己的学校或就职机构提出使用LaTeX的提议?A Proposal Prototype for LaTeX Promotion in Chinese Universities Version 1.4
LaTeX Template for Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment
LaTeX - Vorlage für Bachelor-, Studien- und Projektarbeiten an der DHBW
GitHub action for submitting to CTAN
LaTeX package that turns warnings into errors in order to make the build more fragile
CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) API client for Node.js
Definitions from the Open Color library
LaTeX Thesis Template for Ningxia University