Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances
🔌 CLI tool to retrieve Linky smart meters data
PowerAPI is a middleware toolkit for building software-defined power meters
Detailed analysis of your Energy, gas and liquid consumptions
The tracebase appliance-level power consumption data set
Nest thermostat dashboard and graph charts
Python library to download gas consumption from a Grdf account
ESO Energy Consumption Statistics for Home Assistant
⛔️ DEPRECATED - A CLI tool to retrieve your Linky power consumption
Read telegrams from Sagemcom T210-D smart meters
Home Assistant Component to compute battery consumption
A Python package to calculate degree days (DD or in french DJU - degré jour unifié) from measured outdoor temperatures and to make it possible to quantify drift of energy consumption for heating (or c...
Formulate human-readable queries and retrieve data from ENTSO-E into pandas.DataFrame format.
Command line interface (CLI) for WiBeee (old Mirubee) meter.
Dashboard for Raspberry Pi with display to show environmental data like weather information, weather forecast, indoor climate, power and energy consumption, etc.
Design power tree and estimate consumptions
Wattif - Electrical energy policies explorer
Carbon Footprint Calculator For Individuals And Households