A curated list of articles complaining that go (golang) isn't good enough
翻译 - 精选文章抱怨go(golang)不够好
Complaint System App using MongoDB, Express and Node ⌛
Multi Class Text (Feedback) Classification using CNN, GRU Network and pre trained Word2Vec embedding, word embeddings on TensorFlow.
#安卓#A solution to a Student's Voice problem in Smart India Hackathon.
A complaint management app that helps user to send send the compaints to different departments, admin can forward complaints to respective dept. and dept. officer will reply to that complaint. 🔥
This is a complain management system. Project is been further developed at https://github.com/AppGharage/Complain-Desk
#数据仓库#Using 311 NYC Open Data to analyze what New Yorkers complain about.
A complaints management system developed using NodeJS with Express and MongoDB
#安卓#In this Project client can send grievance by choosing in regards to issue to administrator. Here administrator can see the complaints.
This Complaint Management System is aimed to store complaints and maintain computerized records of all the FIRs against crime using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, and Xampp Server.
Complaint management web application for Universidad Mayor. Fully functional prototype, made using Angular during the Web Development Architecture course.
A Google Apps program that tracks Municipal requests such as complaints and comments
#前端开发#Nyayaprabha is a beacon of hope for women seeking a safe and accessible platform to voice their concerns and fight for justice. It's not just a website, but a movement empowered by technology and empa...
Analysis of IPSO (Independent Press Standard Organization) complaints: https://www.ipso.co.uk/IPSO/index.html
👿 Web app to display users product complaints (fastapi, angular, postgreSQL, docker)
A Student Data Centre portal built using Vue.js, with added QR-code scanning for data.