🏠 A feature-rich but lightweight, buildroot-based Linux operating system alternative for a CloudFree CCU3/ELV-Charly 'homematicIP CCU' IoT smarthome central. Running as a pure virtual appliance ...
Node-RED packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic 🤹♂️
翻译 - Node-RED打包为Homematic CCU3和RaspberryMatic的插件
a AddOn for HomeMatic CCU3 (Raspberrymatic) that will bring HomeKit to your CCU
debmatic is a project to install the Homematic OCCU on Debian based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, Armbian)
CCU-Jack bietet einen einfachen und sicheren REST- und MQTT-basierten Zugriff auf die Datenpunkte der Zentrale (CCU) des Hausautomations-Systems HomeMatic. Zudem können einfach Fremdgeräte an die CCU ...
HomeMatic CCU Addon implementing a xml request functionality
Der CCU-Historian erfasst die Betriebsdaten des Hausautomations-Systems HomeMatic der Firma eQ-3.
📱 A HomeMatic CCU-Addon to regularly query AVM FRITZ!-devices for registered WiFi/LAN devices and deduce general user presence from this information
Node-RED Nodes for the Homematic CCU
Connects HomeMatic Interface-Processes to ioBroker
HAP-Nodejs based Node-RED nodes to create (bridged) HomeKit Accessories
Add your other HTTP Devices as Homematic Actors to your CCU
A HomeMatic CCU Addon for sending Emails
Connects HomeMatic CCU "Logic Layer" ("ReGaHSS") to ioBroker
HomeMatic Funk-Komponenten im Eigenbau
Mosquitto packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic
zentraler Anlaufpunkt rund um die AskSinPP Lib sowie deren Verwendung und Projekte