Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform
翻译 - 动态仪器工具平台
a high performance library for building cache simulators
SST Architectural Simulation Components and Libraries
A low-latency LRU approximation cache in C++ using CLOCK second-chance algorithm. Multi level cache too. Up to 2.5 billion lookups per second.
A C++11 simulator for a variety of CDN caching policies.
Haystack is an analytical cache model that given a program computes the number of cache misses.
cache analysis platform developed at Emory University and CMU
A cache simulator, using the C++ language, to simulate a direct-mapped, fully associative and set-associative cache. It has a set of memory reference generators to generate different sequences of refe...
Source code for the evaluated benchmarks and proposed cache management technique, GRASP, in [Faldu et al., HPCA'20].
A survey on architectural simulators focused on CPU caches.
A graphics tracing and replay framework to explore system-level effects on heterogeneous CPU+GPU memory systems.
Trace-driven cache memory simulator with LRU, MRU, RR and Belady replacement policies.
This cache simulator is used in order to simulate substitutions in cache using replacement policies (FIFO and LRU) and write back into the cache (using the write-allocate policy).
Simulator of experiments presented in "Enabling Long-term Fairness in Dynamic Resource Allocation", ACM SIGMETRICS 2023.
Computer architecture project : Cache simulator with LRU replacement policy
A Decaying Least Frequently Used Cache implementation.
Contains implementations of cache-optimized and external memory algorithms.
OpenGraph is an open-source graph processing benchmarking suite written in pure C/OpenMP. Integrated with Sniper simulator.