Disable PatchGuard and Driver Signature Enforcement at boot time
翻译 - 引导时禁用PatchGuard和DSE
Rusty Bootkit - Windows UEFI Bootkit in Rust (Codename: RedLotus)
Rusty Hypervisor - Windows UEFI Blue Pill Type-1 Hypervisor in Rust (Codename: Illusion)
A programmable and rootkit-like Windows remote access tool.
SMM driver/rootkit for platform memory access with R3 <-> R0 <-> R-2 communication.
Stuxnet is an extremely sophisticated computer worm that exploits multiple previously unknown Windows zero-day vulnerabilities to infect computers and spread. Its purpose was not just to infect PCs bu...
#安全# Cryline project - It's a simple test ransomware for Windows OS without stable encryption. Pls use this source code for study purposes only. The author is't responsible for your actions.
This is an EfiGuard BootLoader that can boot EfiGuard from Usermode with no USB or Setup as a Single Executable with automatic File Dumping using Bytes.
The sequel to Voyager
A UEFI Application that hooks SetVariable to allow a user-space program to access kernel memory.