#区块链#Bitpay Wallet (formerly Copay) is a secure Bitcoin and other crypto currencies wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices.
翻译 - Copay是适用于台式机和移动设备的安全比特币和比特币现金钱包平台。
❇️ DeBitpay is a simple app which decodes Bitpay payment links into Bitcoin transaction requirements, so that you could make the payments with Bitcoin wallets not supporting Bitpay.
#区块链#BitPay App (formerly Copay) is a secure Bitcoin and other crypto currencies wallet platform for IOS/Android.
#区块链#BchAddr.js: Bitcoin Cash general purpose address translation for Node.js and web browsers.
درگاه اتصال به بانک های ایرانی ( درگاه پرداخت بانک ملت، بیت پی، زرین پال، بانک سامان، بانک صادرات، مابقی درگاه ها در حال توسعه می باشند ) با استفاده از گولنگ
A simple, lightweight, extensible and fast bitcoin to currency converter and vice versa based on current exchange rates from your chosen provider: Coinbase, Coindesk, Bitpay and etc.
BitPay payment gateway module for FleetCart
BitPay Exchange Rates API wrapper for Node.js - A tiny and easy to use library
DeBitpay is a simple app which decodes Bitpay payment links into Bitcoin transaction requirements, so that you could make the payments with Bitcoin wallets not supporting Bitpay. **NodeJS edition**
LampSBtcPayShopware is an Shopware 5 plugin which helps you to accept crypto currencies like Bitcoin on your Shopware Shop.
Bitpay payment gateway implementation in ZEND (https://bitpay.com)
A Golang client for the BTCPay API that is mockable. A Bitcoin Payment client
#区块链#BTCPay Server Bitcoin Payment Plugin for Six910 E-Commerce System and mockable