☔️ A complete Go cache library that brings you multiple ways of managing your caches
翻译 - ☔️完整的Go缓存库,为您带来多种管理缓存的方法
🦄【轻量级本地内存缓存】🤏代码少于300行⌚️30s接入🚀高性能、极简设计、并发安全🌈支持LRU 和 LRU-2模式 🦖支持分布式一致性 [ecache] Extremely easy, ultra fast, concurrency-safe and support distributed consistency. Similar to bigcache, cachego, freec...
Multilayer Cache Manager supporting multiple In-momery & Redis configurations
Library for all Riot Games APIs written in Golang.
cache server with BigCache engine and redis (resp) protocol
High-performance Service for querying an offline copy of the HIBP database (a collection of 551 million breached 🔓 passwords). Exists because private ☁️ = ❤.