Enhancing {ggplot2} plots with statistical analysis 📊📣
翻译 - 通过统计分析增强ggplot2图
👻 Utilities for analyzing Bayesian models and posterior distributions
A web app for analyzing A/B testing data using Bayesian approach
Empirical Bayes factors for objective statistical evidence
R-Package to calculate Replication Bayes factors in different scenarios
rstanBF computes the Bayes Factor for specified two-level hierarchical models.
A Bayesian network structure learning routine for collecting all networks within a factor of optimal
daubl: Digit analysis using Benford's law
An R package to compute Empirical Bayes Factors from random-effect estimates. This test can be used in the mixed-effect model context to determine whether an effect should be fixed or random.
pcal: Calibration of p-values for point null hypotheses
Preprocessed data and analysis scripts of the manuscript "Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading".
Bayes factors for testing order constraints on variances of dependent outcomes
R package bayessource: marginal likelihood and Bayes Factor computation for samples from Multivariate Gaussians