Welcome to the GitHub repo for the SVT-AV1! This repo is set as a mirror to the gitlab repo. Please join us at https://gitlab.com/AOMediaCodec/SVT-AV1. We look forward to seeing you there
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The Scalable Video Technology for AV1 (SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder) with perceptual enhancements for psychovisually optimal AV1 encoding
tiny/fast webRTC video conferencing gateway
Flutter plugin of Waterbus. Build video call or online meeting app with SFU. Supports Android/iOS/MacOS/Web
Wrapper script to use Av1an with StaxRip
Open source video conferencing app built on latest WebRTC SDK. This is Server SFU WebSocket.
Weekly build of docker image with latest libaom AV1 + FFmpeg + x265 + VP9 +x264 + libvmaf
Transcode video files to the AV1 format using ffmpeg and libaom-av1.
Source code for the AV1 serverless shot based transcoder built in Microsoft Azure using Logic Apps, Azure Functions, Video Indexer, Container Instances
batch-encode your ripped DVDs and Blurays really fast with nvenc_av1!