An educational operating system written in C#. A great stepping stone from high to low level development.
#编辑器#32 bit singletasking C kernel
Pure-python ATA/SATA/ATAPI/SCSI and disk enumeration library for Linux/Windows/OS X.
Close token accounts to regain SOL without Sol Incinerator 15% fee
#编辑器#CIA-IDE hard disk drive interface for C64/128 for IDE drivers with GEOS and IDE64 drivers
💾 Bootloader for x86-PC, loads an ELF kernel image from a FAT partition on ATA hard disk
Automated Test Assembly with Julia
#时序数据库#ATAforecasting Package for R - Automatic Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using Ata Method
☎︎ A POTS FXO emulator you can build at home minus all the enterprise garbage you have to sift through from off the shelf ATAs
The Life of Amazing Kings that ruled Igala Land in a single timeline from it's first generation 🔥🔥🤴🤴