Terraform module to create AWS Application/Network Load Balancer (ALB/NLB) resources 🇺🇦
Terraform module to provision an HTTP style ingress rule based on hostname and path for an ALB using target groups
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Here is a project which is deployed in AWS with created several services. Moreover, the complete project is deployed using terraform as IaC.
[DEPRECATED] Use https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-alb
if you want to create some instances with ASG and have Application Load Balancer, this repo will help you alot
The project is completely deployed in the AWS cloud with the help of several services offered by AWS.
Here is a project which is deployed in AWS with created several services. Moreover, the complete project is deployed using terraform as IaC.
Ansible deployment of Linux HA (High Availability) cluster, PoC of AP-ALB. One non-Kubernetes / non-Pacemaker / non-DRBD / non-cloud-Lock-In way to do it even on cheapest VPSs you could find
Phonebook Application deployed on AWS Application Load Balancer with Auto Scaling and Relational Database Service using Terraform
Amazon EC2 GitLab Pipeline with Terraform
Here is a project which has deployed a stack to swarm in Docker. An NFS server has been made use of for the file share and ALB for the traffic control.
Django Blog Application deployed on AWS Application Load Balancer with Auto Scaling, S3, Relational Database Service, VPC's Components, Lambda, DynamoDB and CloudFront with Route 53 using Terraform wi...
Repository from exanubes.com for Fargate App with a SSL Certificate
Create lambda api's easily
Развертывание отказоустойчивого сайта с помощью Application Load Balancer в Yandex Cloud.
Three tier web application deployment using AWS services.
Repository from exanubes.com for Fargate App with a SSL Certificate
AWS Infra coded in terraform for the creation of Application Load Balancer + Auto Scaling Group