#编辑器#💻 A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH.
Zsh plugin for installing, updating and loading nvm
A collection of git utilities, useful extra git scripts, tutorials and other useful articles.
Desktop notifications for long-running commands in zsh.
Tumult is a collection of macOS-specific functions and scripts for your shell environment. It is packaged as a ZSH plugin, but can be used with other shells as well.
Oh My Zsh plugin for Elixir, IEX, Mix and Phoenix
🗂️ [vdjdb.cdr3.net is up and running] Git-based TCR database storage & management. Submissions welcome!
🕒Track how much time you have spent in your terminal!
⚙️ Matching T-cell repertoire against a database of TCR antigen specificities
Ansible role for installing the Antigen and using it to configure Zsh
HHousen's dotfiles: Zsh, Chezmoi, Antigen, Oh My Zsh, Powerlevel10k, Oh My Tmux, GEF, and the ultimate vimrc
#Awesome#A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴
Antigen plugin for pandoc
Automation that helps you always get ZSH in Gcloud Shell