Angular (4.2+ ...12) service for cookies. Originally based on the `ng2-cookies` library.
Localstorage and sessionstorage manager - Angular service
翻译 - 本地存储和会话存储经理-Angular服务
ngx-api-utils is a lean library of utilities and helpers to quickly integrate any HTTP API (REST, Ajax, and any other) with Angular.
Angular library that displays cool messages in console.
An Angular 4 library to authenticate user.
Angular 19+ library for D3 based line, bar, donut and date/timeline charts with multiple entry points. A configurable service for token handling is provided.
Angular 6 App - Online pizza order sample app
Basic Turkish News Web App with Angular11
Angular Translator App
Leaning Angular 2.0+
Local storage for use by Angular client applications.
🛰️ Service for sending global events with Angular 2 / 4.
Angular2 Singup / Registration form using Service (Dependecy Injection)
An authentication and authorization helper service for Angular client applications.
A promise based angular.js service to facilitate animated scrolling.
Application Angular 4 - Fictional National Library
Angular7+ service to access SCSS-variable values from TypeScript 🔗
filterable photo gallery
A navigation helper service for Angular client applications.