#安卓#SmartTubeNext 是一个无广告、Android TV的YouTube客戶端
Movie 🎞 Paradise 🤍 is an Android TV 📺 app. ExoPlayer, Dagger 2, RxJava, ButterKnife, Timber, Glide, Picasso libraries used.
A brand new boot animation coming straight from Google's Android TV 11 build.
#安卓#How to develop an application on Android TV? 📺
#安卓#Android Leanback Component and Customized UI for Tv. A player using Exo player and design like a youtube player.
CendrawasihTV is customize rom for Amlogic S905X device. Be specific this ROM build for ZTE B860H and untest for another device.
Android TV Box Indonesia's Files