#安卓#Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
翻译 - Android库(AAR)。高度可配置,易于扩展的深度缩放视图,可显示巨大图像而不会丢失细节。非常适合照相馆,地图,建筑平面图等。
#安卓#Android library to auto-play/pause videos from url in recyclerview.
#安卓#A smart way to add Login functionality to your Android app.
#安卓#Blogs about Android
#安卓#😎 A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
#安卓#Pluck, a library that helps you to pick image via Gallery/Camera built using Compose
#安卓#Droid-vizu aims to provide customized visualization effects by easily swapping Renderer to get cool effects
#安卓#😎 A curated list of awesome Android libraries
#安卓#Android library for simplifying bluetooth usage.
#安卓#Kotlin Networking - An elegant networking library written in Kotlin
#安卓#Simple library that allows for the picking of files and/or directories.
#安卓#😎😍Android libs and UI from GitHub or other websites. android libs from Github
#安卓#😎 A curated list of awesome Android resources
#安卓#A collaborative list of awesome Kotlin libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
#安卓#A simple Chip based EditText with a searchable ListView
#安卓#😎 A curated list of awesome Android tips
#安卓#Kotlin Multiplatform Library for embedding Tor into your application
MaterialStepper is a custom Android View Library inspired by: https://material.io/guidelines/components/steppers.html