#安卓#FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
翻译 - FastHub是Android的终极GitHub客户端。
#IOS#Flutter Github客户端,同时支持Android与IOS,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用dart语言进行开发,项目架构是基于Model/State/ViewModel的MSVM;使用Navigator进行页面的跳转;网络框架使用了dio。项目持续更新中,为了防止走失,请做好start准备!😊😊
A template for creating new repositories for the new Android Project.
一个Android客户端,搜索github上的开源项目。an android client to search open source from github.
This is a simple app where the user will enter some content through a edittext and a pdf will be created based on their content.The user also can view the pdf and all the possible features for viewing...
Android GifImageView Element, powerful and efficient
A android projects which includes the trending repositories , developers and languages list and lots more.I am doing it with the help of github apis.