#安卓#Program, created to make popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use
#安卓#答题助手,适用于 百万英雄 / 芝士超人 / 冲顶大会 / 花椒百万赢家 等多个直播答题类 APP,支持 iOS、Android 手机和模拟器,3 秒出结果
#安卓#A Complete ADB Commad Cheat Sheet 2023. Your Journey to Mastering adb shell Begins Here
#安卓#🚀🚀🚀 Streamline your Android development with sadb - the enhanced command-line tool for efficient ADB management and debugging.
Toolkit to help developer build tools android
Send SMS to your list of numbers - using Android ADB
⚡ This application allows to perform more easily the adb commands
Quickly Access and Infiltrate ADB Devices With Shodan API
Command line tool written in Go to monitor the connection between android adb and and a android device.
#安卓#GDG Porto Android Session Meetup #4 - ADB (Android Debug Bridge) - how can it help you
#安卓#Tool to backup android partitions via adb.
#安卓#This script extracts a database from a installed apk in a non-rooted device.
Python library for adb protocol
#博客#This is a collection of my own cheat sheets on various topics.
Android app monitoring tool for the command line using ncurses